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Current Session › EXAMPLE ( IT )

●  This site is a free, online tool to help you to know which nutrients are missing or left over in your diet.

●  No subscription, no registration, no e-mail account nor any other personal data is needed to use this tool.

The only information you must provide is the data in the profile form ( age, gender, weight, height...) and select the database according to your region.

●  So far, USA, EUROPE and AUSTRALIA databases are supported (see details at 'Profile').

USA database is the most complete one (a lot of foods and a lot of nutrients).

●  Our server does not store your session. You can easily save all your sessions (yours, your wife's, children, parents, friends, etc ...) to your desktop; just export each session from this site and save it to your desktop. When you want to continue with a session, just import it from this site and continue working. It is recommended to export and import it periodically during the session, in order to ensure that no data is lost when leaving the page.

●  The nutritional composition of foods depend of the country and other local factors, so you can choose the database from the closest country or region.

●  The Recomended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) and Upper Limits (ULs), as defined by National Academy of Science (NAS) are the criterias used to compare the nutrients provided by your diet to your nutritional needs (according to your Profile information).

●  The main goals of Diet Nutrients Calc:

1/ An easy and fast way to find the foods you eat and their nutritional composition

* you can search foods by keywords or by nutrients, so its easy to find which foods can provide the maximum amount of a certain nutrient for a minimun intake.

* you can create your own foods and create your recipes, even you can edit a food not created by you, and save it as yours. This can be useful if you modify a food you eat adding a single nutrient, because you can edit the nutrients of a food but not the nutrients of a recipe ( only the ingredients)

2/ An easy way to find food options to consider diet corrections, in two steps

* options to reduce the intake of foods that provide an excess of a nutrient that's left over in your diet,

* and options to increment the intake of nutrients that are missing in your diet but keeping at the same time the upper limits of the other nutrients.

3/ You can export different sessions without limit, so you can follow all the profiles you want and sort them on your desktop under the folder structure you choose.

1 - Click at 'Profile' menu tab and fullfill the profile form.

2 - Click at 'Foods & Nutrients' menu tab and introduce your daily servings (in gr) for each food.
Sometimes is not easy to define your daily intake of all foods. A good solution is taking the weekly intake and divide it by seven to obtain the average daily consumption.

3 - Click at 'Incidences' menu tab to watch all nutrients that are missing or left over in your diet and get food options to consider a diet correction

4 - Click at 'Session Report' menu tab to get a Session Report including all information about your session: foods intakes, nutrients totals and RDAs/ULs incidences

5 - To export your session and store it in your desktop click at   

6 - To import a session from your desktop and continue working with it, click at   

* Fulfill this form to create a Diet Profile




Report options

Select the information to display in your report:


RDA/UL incidences

Active foods

Active nutrients

Select report view: 



  Sort Foods By: 
Food Keywords:

Filter Results:

Daily Intake:

Foods and nutrients source:  EU Open Data Portal (IT)


Page: 0/0


0 Recipe Ingredients:

Page: 0/0


RDAs Incidences:


ULs Incidences:


▸ NUTRIENTS (Total Daily Intake)

(nutrients source here)

Nutritional composition (per 100 GR of this food):